Donations and Store
Here is where you can donate money in order to help support our wonderful server,
and in return receive nice packages.
Donations allow fresh, new content to be brought to the server as well as bigger projects for the future of the server, and are greatly appreciated.
Pet Flags
- Access to phys gun
- Access to tool gun and some tools
- Pet flags included
- Access to 2 more character slots
- Access to 3 VIP only cars
- Access to vip-only tools including bodygroup, camera, light, rope, and textscreen
- A free 10,000 Francs
- Special in-game rank and chat tag
- Special forum rank
- Special discord rank
- The appreciation of staff
Money Package 1
- 5,000 Francs added to your character
Money Package 2
- 10,000 Francs added to your character
Trial Mod
- Access to the Moderator rank for 1 month
- If you do a good enough job, you will be made into a full-time Moderator after the month is up
- In-game rank and chat tag
- Forum rank
- Discord rank
PAC3 Flags
- Access to PAC3, which allows you to edit your character in many ways, including adding props, sounds, and changing bone structure
- This can be accessed through the C menu (holding C)
Permanent Primary
- Access to a permanent primary weapon of your choosing (that your character has access to), which your character will spawn with
- One per character limit
Permanent Secondary
- Access to a permanent secondary weapon of your choosing (that your character has access to), which your character will spawn with
- One per character limit
Permanent Melee
- Access to a permanent melee weapon of your choosing (that your character has access to), which your character will spawn with
- One per character limit
When purchasing, please include your character's name, steam name, and steam ID in the note!